How to Make Your Idea Stick - SUCCESs

Part 1
Simplifying: you should only include whats important. Focus on the main point of your idea.
Unexpected: grab your audience's attention. Talk about interesting and surprising things.
Concrete: try to paint a picture of your idea in the readers head. Use real life situations to get your message across.
Credible: use facts from reliable sources. Don't use generalized/vague statistics. People are more likely to trust experts.
Emotional: make your idea relatable, people care about people.
Stories: use a story to convey your idea. It will help people connect to what you're saying.

Part 2
The main point of the reading is to explain the SUCCESs Model and how it will make your idea stick.
In other words, we want people to remember and care about what we are talking about. By using this model we can hopefully achieve that.
For example, there's this video on Youtube called "Farm to Fridge", it's very explicit and that grabs people's attention. It shows how badly animals in the meat production industry are treated which evokes emotion and give you a pretty good idea of what's going on. It's uses actual footage so it seems pretty credible. It's tells a story which is why I remembered and connected to it so much. It also made me go vegetarian for a couple of months. 
The purpose of this assignment is to encourage us to use the SUCCESs Model because it will give us the best shot at making people remember our ideas.
The key question at the heart of this assignment is "can you use the SUCCESs Model to make your idea stick in someones mind?"


  1. I am questioning the precision of your statement "use facts from reliable sources. Don't use generalized/vague statistics. People are more likely to trust experts." How can you be sure that the source is from a professional?

    1. Hi Caitlyn,

      Are you questioning the precision (detail) or are you questioning the depth of the statement by looking at the complexities of what a "professional" is. In this course we want to improve to the point where we are addressing the significance and fairness of statements.

  2. Hi Elena!
    Great job this week. I like your Infographic model!
    I am questioning the precision of your statement "Unexpected: grab your audience's attention. Talk about interesting and surprising things." How would you propose that we talk about interesting things?

  3. Your statement had Accuracy when you said about how to make the SUCCESs Model stick and how we can use it for our benefit!!

    1. Hi Brian,
      Specifically what benefit are you referring to?


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