- Intellectual Integrity
- I understand "Intellectual Integrity" to mean being honest with your thoughts, to hold yourself to the same standard you hold others to. Treating people the way you want to be treated.
- In other words, you're able to recognize and admit to your wrongs, whether it's your thoughts or actions.
- An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Integrity using social media would be not posting something that’s biased or of poor taste. If you don’t think others should post that, you shouldn’t too.
- Intellectual Independence
- I understand "Intellectual Independence" to mean being able to think for yourself.
- In other words, don't just believe what you want to believe or what everyone else believes. Use your brain and the other intellectual traits to figure things out.
- An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Independence using social media; say you saw a really bias political post and instead of just reading it and believing it, you did research and got all the facts before forming an opinion.
- Intellectual Perseverance
- I understand "Perseverance" to mean not giving up on something when it gets difficult.
- In other words, no matter how good you are or think you are, you can always improve and you should never stop trying too.
- An example of someone exhibiting Perseverance using social media; using youtube to learn how to do something. It gets frustrating sometimes when things don't turn out how they're supposed to but instead of giving up, you can watch another video and keep trying.
- Intellectual Empathy
- I understand "Intellectual Empathy" to mean being able to see things from different points of views.
- In other words, taking other people's opinions into consideration and trying to be more open minded and understanding.
- An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Empathy using social media would be not replying to a post that you don't agree with in a negative way.
- Intellectual Humility
- I understand "Intellectual Humility" to mean realizing that I don't know everything.
- In other words, not acting like a "know it all". I know I still have a lot to learn, and if I'm not sure of something I should ask or do research.
- An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Humility using social media would be not getting offended when someone tells you you're wrong, instead try to learn from it.
- Intellectual Courage
- I understand "Intellectual Courage" to mean speaking up for what you think is right.
- In other words, don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in even if it's different from what everybody else thinks. To question your beliefs and change it if necessary.
- An example of someone exhibiting Intellectual Courage with social media would be standing up for someone. If a person posted something that was untrue about your friend or family member and you defended them you would be showing intellectual courage.
- Confidence in Reason
- I understand "Confidence in Reason " to mean focusing on facts.
- In other words, when solving problems look for information that's relevant and accurate. You should trust the facts and use the intellectual traits to get the most accurate answers.
- An example of someone exhibiting Confidence in Reason using social media would be posting something that you took the time to research and learn about. Not just posting your opinion of something.
- Fairmindedeness
- I understand "Fairmindedeness" to mean being as fair as possible.
- In other words, think about everyone, not just about you. Try to see things from their point of view and don't put your needs or desires above anyone else's.
- An example of someone exhibiting Fairmindedeness using social media would be posting a picture everyone looks good in, not just one you look good in. I do this a lot on instagram, I'll only post the picture I look good in even if my friends don't.
- The purpose of the assignment is help you understand intellectual traits and fair mindedness. If everyone used these traits and practiced fair mindedness the world would be much more accepting and logical. I don't think we would have as many problems as we do.
- The key question at the heart of the assignment is how can we become intellectual fair minded thinkers?
Hi Elena,
ReplyDeleteNice work. I'm questioning the clarity of your statement that Confidence in Reason using social media would be posting something that you took the time to research and learn about. Could you give me an example?